What are some of the commonly used terms in fraternities and sororities?
Active: A member who has been fully initiated and is in good standing with their chapter.
Alumni: Any member who was initiated into a fraternity or sorority and has graduated from college.
Badge/Pin: A pin worn by active members that designates they are a member of that specific organization.
Bid: A formal invitation to join a fraternity or sorority.
Big Brother/Sister: An older member of the chapter that serves as a role model and mentor to the newest members or "littles".
Crossed: The process of completing the intake process and becoming a full member of the chapter.
Fraternity: An individual men's organization characterized by values, ritual, and Greek letters.
Initiation: A ritual ceremony during which new members promise to uphold the standards of an individual organization and receive lifelong membership.
Intake: The process by which someone becomes a new member in a culturally-based fraternity or sorority.
Inter/National Organization: An organization that has chapters across the country or internationally.
Legacy: A potential new member who has a direct family member(s) that is a member of a fraternity or sorority. Who qualifies as a legacy will vary between organizations.
Line: Individuals who are members of the same intake class in a culturally-based fraternity or sorority.
Local Organization: An organization that is only found on that specific campus.
Neophyte/Neo: The newest members of a culturally-based fraternity or sorority.
New Member: A group of individuals that have been given a bid, but have not yet been initiated into a fraternity or sorority.
Potential New Member/PNM: A term used to describe individuals seeking membership in a fraternity or sorority.
Primary Recruitment/Formal Recruitment: A designated membership period during which National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities hold a series of organized events.
Probate/New Member Presentation: A show often organized by culturally-based fraternities or sororities to present their newest members to the campus community.
Recruitment Counselor/Rho Gam: Sorority women who are selected and trained to guide PNMs through the primary recruitment process for PHA.
Sorority: An individual women's organization characterized by values, ritual, and Greek letters.
Stepping: A series of complex, synchronous and precise rhythmic movements. These are typically performed to songs or chants created by member organizations.
Strolling: Precise and synchronized movements [performed in unison by members of culturally-based fraternities and sororities.