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Club Forms

Please Download the appropriate Recognition Packet for your student organization:

  1. New Student Org Recognition Packet: Please select this packet if you are Starting a New Organization on Campus. 

  2. Existing Student Org Recognition Packet: Please select this packet if you are completing the annual Recognition for an organization that already is or has been active on Campus. 

  3. Change of Leadership Packet: Please submit this form if you have already completed your annual Recognition Process for this year, however you have since changed your President, Treasurer, or any other Authorized Signer for your organization.

  4.  Constitution Quick Reference Guide 

  5. Club Travel Checklist 

  6. Officer Transition Guide 

  7. Club Meeting Template

  8. Event Planning Template

  9. Preparing for Club Meeting 

If you have questions about the recognition process you can email or schedule a meeting with the appropriate Student Involvement Advisor. Contact us for more information.