Getaway Trip: Winchester Mystery House

12:30 pm
– 10:00 pm
Tour through 110 of the 160 rooms and look for the bizarre phenomena that gave the mansion its name; a window built into the floor, staircases leading to nowhere, a chimney that rises four floors, doors that open onto blank walls, and upside down posts! No one has been able to explain the mysteries that exist within the Winchester Mansion, or why Sarah Winchester kept the carpenters' hammers pounding 24 hours a day for 38 years. After her husband and baby daughters death, Mrs. Winchester was convinced by a medium that continuous building would appease the evil spirits of those killed by the famous "Gun that Won the West" and help her attain eternal life. Certainly her $20,000,000 inheritance was sufficient to support her obsession until her death at 82! Contact for more information. Sign up for Getaway trips at the Info and Tickets Desk at the Student Center or online at
Meet in front of Police Services
Tickets: $35; REACH: $28, CAASE: $17.50