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Seawolf Commitment

Sonoma State University is committed to creating an environment where each student feels welcome and included in the Seawolf community, a community in which bias and intolerance have no place. The Seawolf Commitment exemplifies the expectations that we as a community hold for ourselves and each other. These expectations help us in creating an open and inclusive environment that nurtures the growth and development of all faculty, students, administration, and staff and serves as a guide for our personal and collective behavior.

As a Seawolf, I Commit Myself to the Highest Ethical Standards
I will conduct myself with INTEGRITY in my dealings with students, staff, and faculty

I will RESPECT the rights and dignity of others

I will strive for EXCELLENCE in my academic work and relationships

I have the RESPONSIBILITY to conduct myself as an ethical member of the community


Seawolf Commitment Recognition Program
The Seawolf Commitment Recognition program is designed to acknowledge SSU students who have displayed the commitment and made a difference to the SSU community and or local and global community. The values of the commitment include Integrity, Respect, Excellence, and Responsibility. If you have a student who embodies the commitment through their actions please submit a nomination today!