Registration Opens For Seawolf Siblings Weekend 2024

8:00 am
– 5:00 pm
Mark your Calendars and Register today for Siblings Weekend: February 16-18, 2024
Find out more about the weekend and register today!
SSU Siblings Weekend is kicking off with the opening of our registration link! Sibling's Weekend provides an opportunity for our students (on and off-campus students) to invite their little brothers, sisters, cousins, or neighbors (all are encompassed in the term sibling from here forward) to campus for the weekend. There will be activities to keep kids of all ages entertained with movies, crafts, a hypnotist, tickets for athletic events, build a bear, karaoke, and more! While we have all these events planned, the real goal is that you are able to spend some time with your loved ones! Please note that, while this weekend is generally meant to be for younger siblings ages 5-15, we welcome older siblings as well. Student Involvement is excited to welcome our Seawolf Extended Family to campus!
Questions? Need more info? Contact Mo: