Getaway Trip: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

8:30 am
Getaway Trip: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk | 8:30 a.m. | Meet in front of University Police Services | Tickets: $45.00 for general / $36.00 for housing students / $17.50 for CAASE students
The legendary Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk welcomes visitors this season with rides, games, and nonstop fun! Ride two National Historic Landmarks: The Giant Dipper Roller Coaster and the Looff Carousel, choose from over 300 games – both new and vintage – in the Casino Arcade, or play mini-golf at Neptune’s Kingdom. Your ticket price gets you an “all rides included” bracelet for the day, other attractions and events may be at additional cost.
Sign up for Getaway trips at the Info and Tickets Desk at the Student Center or online at Contact for more information.